Martim de Ginzo Nationality: Galega? Biographical Note: Minstrel, possibly galician, maybe from the place of Ginzo, next to Ponte Areas, south Galicia1. The Ginzo toponym, however, also exists in Portugal (in a place in the county of Barcelos). We know nothing of his biography, although the references to his friend’s departure to the “fossados” (the military gathering in Spring), made by a female voice on one of his cantigas de amigo, may point to him having taken part in the so-called Reconquest. In that sense it’s possible, as Ramón Lourenzo suggests2, that he lived in the reign of Fernando III or Alfonso X References 1 Oliveira, António Resende de (1994), Depois do espectáculo trovadoresco. A estrutura dos cancioneiros peninsulares e as recolhas dos séculos XIII e XIV, Lisboa, Edições Colibri, p. 197. |
Read all cantigas (in Cancioneiros' order) Cantigas (alphabetical order): A do mui bom parecer Cantiga de Amigo Ai vertudes de Santa Cecília Cantiga de Amigo Como vivo coitada, madre, por meu amigo Cantiga de Amigo Nom mi digades, madre, mal e irei Cantiga de Amigo Nom poss'eu, madre, ir a Santa Cecília Cantiga de Amigo Nunca eu vi melhor ermida nem mais santa Cantiga de Amigo Se vos prouguer, madr', hoj'este dia Cantiga de Amigo Treides, ai mia madr', em romaria Cantiga de Amigo |