Nuno Trez
Jogral medieval

Nationality: Galega

Biographical Note:

Nothing is known about this author, except what may be deduced from his compositions and his placement in the italian aphographs. Thus, his repeated references to the hermitage of S. Clemenço do Mar allow us to place him in Galicia, maybe in Santa Maria de Ardán, region of Pontevedra, where there is a hermitage devoted to this saint1. The theme of these songs, as well as their placement in the manuscripts, with other minstrels, lead us to believe that he was a minstrel himself.
Recently (2018), Ron Fernández2 advanced the hypothesis, quite plausible, that his birthplace could be the village of Trez, in the current district of Laza (Ourense), a place several times referred in the documentation pertaining to Montederramo monastery (which, to be true, points also, according to this researcher, to the need to qualify the direct relation that scholars usually establish between the sanctuary sung and the origin of the minstrel)


1 Oliveira, António Resende de (2001), O trovador galego-português e o seu mundo, Lisboa, Editorial Notícias, p. 199.

2 Ron Fernández, Xavier (2018), "Martin Codax: o nome. A onomástica na lírica trobadoresca", in The Vindel Parchment and Martin Codax. The Golden Age of Medieval Galician Poetry, edited by Alexandre Rodríguez Guerra and Xosé Bieito Arias Freixedo, John Benjamins Publishing Company, p. 226.
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Read all cantigas (in Cancioneiros' order)

Cantigas (alphabetical order):

Des quando vos fostes daqui
Cantiga de Amigo

Estava-m'em Sam Clemenço, u fora fazer oraçom
Cantiga de Amigo

Nom vou eu a Sam Clemenço orar, e faço gram razom
Cantiga de Amigo

Sam Clemenço do mar
Cantiga de Amigo