Afonso Gomes, jograr de Sarria Nationality: Galega Biographical Note: The data at our disposal regarding this author is, at the moment, only that supplied by the indication attached to his name in the songbooks, from which we know that we are in the presence of a Galician minstrel, born in Sarria. Given that the Italian apographs have only preserved one of his songs, targeting the troubadour Martim Moxa,, his chronology should be related to this latter author, that is, in the final years of Alfonso X’s reign and the beginning of the following king. Afonso Gomes, however, should belong to the next generation, given that the theme of the song is precisely the old age of Martim Moxa. br> As to his first name, and since the Italian apographs only supply us the abbreviation Aº, some doubts remain between Álvaro and Afonso. We believe, however, that both by paleographic and sociological reasons, the name Afonso seems the most likely. |
Read all cantigas (in Cancioneiros' order) Cantigas (alphabetical order): Martim Moia, a mia alma se perca Escárnio e Maldizer |