Martim Padrozelos
Jogral medieval

Nationality: Galega?

Biographical Note:

Nothing is known of this author, whose path we can only assume from indirect data. Therefore, the placement of his compositions in the italian aphographs, in a zone where minstrels are dominant, as well as his references to the hermitage of S. Salvador of Valongo, seem to point to a galician minstrel, maybe natural of the current Perozelo (or Peroselo), name of a village in the parish of S. Miguel de Águas Santas (Cotobade, Pontevedra), as suggested by Souto Cabo1, even because, as he adds, "at a very short distance (400m) we find Valongo, head of the parish of the same name and toponym also quoted in two cantigas of the poet". Like the authors around him, he should have lived in the middle or final 13th century.


1 Souto Cabo, José António (2018a), "Martim Codax e o fenómeno jogralesco na Galiza sul-ocidental", in The Vindel Parchment and Martin Codax. The Golden Age of Medieval Galician Poetry, edited by Alexandre Rodríguez Guerra and Xosé Bieito Arias Freixedo, John Benjamins Publishing Company.
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Read all cantigas (in Cancioneiros' order)

Cantigas (alphabetical order):

Ai meu amigo, coitada
Cantiga de Amigo

- Amig', havia queixume
Cantiga de Amigo

Amigas, sejo cuidando
Cantiga de Amigo

Deus! e que cuidei a fazer
Cantiga de Amor

Eu, louçana, enquant'eu viva for
Cantiga de Amigo

Fostes-vos vós, meu amigo, daqui
Cantiga de Amigo

Gram sazom há, meu amigo
Cantiga de Amigo

Id'hoj, ai meu amigo, led'a Sam Salvador
Cantiga de Amigo

Madr', enviou-vo'lo meu amigo
Cantiga de Amigo

Por Deus, que vos nom pês
Cantiga de Amigo