João Soares Coelho
Trovador medieval

Nationality: Portuguesa

Biographical Note:

Portuguese troubadour, still a descendant, although illegitimate, of Egas Moniz and the lords of Ribadouro, João Soares Coelho would have been born in the first years of the second decade of the 13th century, having been raised, probably, in Cinfães. The first news we have of him, dated 1235, locates him, however, in the Alentejo, bearing witness to a document from prince Dom Fernando de Serpa (the younger brother of King Sancho II), plausibly as his knight and vassal1. It’s possible, then, that João Soares followed the path of the prince throughout those years, a path that will take him to Rome first, in 1238, where he will beg the Pope forgiveness for the numerous abuses committed by him and his men against the bishops of Lisbon and Guarda, and next to Castilla, between 1240 and 1243, as a vassal to King Fernando III, his first cousin.
According to José Mattoso2, Dom Fernando de Serpa would have actually joined the forces of Prince Afonso, the castillian prince heir (future Alfonso X), which provides a credible context to the close relations clearly visible between João Soares Coelho and the troubadours and minstrels that are part, at that time, of the castillian prince’s circle. In any case, around those years, he married Maria Fernandes de Ordéns, a castillian lady of a relatively obscure lineage.
Upon the return of the Prince of Serpa to Portugal, in 1243, we do not know whether João Soares accompanied him or not. Those are equally the years that see the worsening of the conflict that led to the portuguese civil war, during which the Prince of Serpa took the side of his other brother, the count of Boulogne. Of João Soares’s position in that conflict we know nothing in concrete. Nevertheless, starting in 1249, João Soares appears in the court of Afonso III, the new king, where he becomes a constant presence, even receiving, in a donation dated 1254, the village of Souto de Riba Homem. His proximity to the monarch can also be proved by his family’s social ascension, namely by the fact that his son, Pero Coelho, was later the meirinho-mor of Dom Dinis. It’s possible that he passed away shortly after 1279, date of the last known document in which he appears.
It should be added, as a curious detail, that according to the lineage books (LL 36CD) two of his daughters were murdered by their husbands by “mao preço”(bad reputation). In a different tone, it should also be noted that one of his grandsons, Estêvão Peres Coelho, was also a troubadour.


1 Mattoso, José (1985), "João Soares coelho e a gesta de Egas Moniz", in Portugal Medieval. Novas interpretações, Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda.

2 Mattoso, José (2000), "A nobreza medieval portuguesa no contexto peninsular", in Naquele Tempo. Ensaios de História Medieval , Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, p.330.

Read all cantigas (in Cancioneiros' order)

Cantigas (alphabetical order):

Agora me foi mia madre melhor
Cantiga de Amigo

Ai Deus, a vó'lo digo:
Cantiga de Amigo

Ai madr,'o que eu quero bem
Cantiga de Amigo

Ai meu amigo, se [vós] vejades
Cantiga de Amigo

Amigas, por Nostro Senhor
Cantiga de Amigo

Amigo, pois me vos aqui
Cantiga de Amigo

Amigo, queixum'havedes
Cantiga de Amigo

As graves coitas, a quen'as Deus dar
Cantiga de Amor

Atal vej' eu aqui ama chamada
Cantiga de Amor

Bom casament'é, pera Dom Gramilho
Cantiga de Escárnio e maldizer

Com'hoj'eu vivo no mundo coitado!
Cantiga de Amor

Da mia senhor, que tam mal dia vi
Cantiga de Amor

Desmentido m'há 'qui um trobador
Cantiga de Amor

Deus, que mi hoj'aguisou de vos veer
Cantiga de Amor

Dizem que digo que vos quero bem
Cantiga de Amor

Dom Estêvam fez[o] sa partiçom
Cantiga de Escárnio e maldizer

Dom Estêvam, que Lhi nom gradecedes
Cantiga de Escárnio e maldizer

Dom Vuitorom, o que vos a vós deu
Cantiga de Escárnio e maldizer

Em grave dia, senhor, que vos vi
Cantiga de Amor

Eu me coidei, u me Deus fez veer
Cantiga de Amor

Falei um dia, por me baralhar
Cantiga de Amigo

- Filha, direi-vos ũa rem
Cantiga de Amigo

Foi-s'o meu amigo daqui noutro dia
Cantiga de Amigo

Fremosas, a Deus louvado, com tam muito bem como hoj'hei
Cantiga de Amigo

Fui eu, madre, lavar meus cabelos
Cantiga de Amigo

Hoje quer'eu meu amigo veer
Cantiga de Amigo

Joam Fernández, o mund'é torvado
Cantiga de Escárnio e maldizer

Joam Fernándiz, mentr'eu vosc'houver
Cantiga de Escárnio e maldizer

Joam Garcia tal se foi loar
Cantiga de Escárnio e maldizer

- Joam Soárez, comecei

- Joam Soárez, de pram as melhores

- Joam Soárez, nom poss'eu estar

Jograr, mal desemparado
Cantiga de Escárnio e maldizer

Luzia Sánchez, jazedes em gram falha
Cantiga de Escárnio e maldizer

Maria do Grave, grav'é de saber
Cantiga de Escárnio e maldizer

Martim Alvelo
Cantiga de Escárnio e maldizer

Meus amigos, que sabor haveria
Cantiga de Amor

Meus amigos, quero-vos eu mostrar
Cantiga de Amor

Nom me soub'eu dos meus olhos melhor
Cantiga de Amor

Noutro dia, quando m'eu espedi
Cantiga de Amor

Nunca coitas de tantas guisas vi
Cantiga de Amor

Ora nom sei no mundo que fazer
Cantiga de Amor

Pelos meus olhos houv'eu muito mal
Cantiga de Amor

Per bõa fé, mui fremosa sanhuda
Cantiga de Amigo

Pero m'eu hei amigos, nom hei ni um amigo
Cantiga de Amor

Por Deus, senhor, que vos tanto bem fez
Cantiga de Amor

- Quem ama Deus, Lourenç', am'a verdade

Quem diz de Dom 'Stêvam que nom vê bem
Cantiga de Escárnio e maldizer

Senhor e lume destes olhos meus
Cantiga de Amor

Senhor, o gram mal e o gram pesar
Cantiga de Amor

Senhor, por Deus que vos fez parecer
Cantiga de Amor

Vedes, amigas, meu amigo vem
Cantiga de Amigo

- Vedes, Picandom, som maravilhado