João Garcia
Trovador ou Jogral medieval

Nationality: Incerta

Biographical Note:

Nothing is known about this author, except the information, provided in the attributive item of his songs, that he was nephew of a certain Nuno Eanes. The absence of any family name, both in his case and of his uncle, makes the concrete identification of both very difficult. Actually, and taking only the Books of Lineages as a source, if the name Nuno Eanes is quoted only once (in the Lara family, with Nuno Eanes de Lara), the name of the troubadour has seven occurrences, none of which, in principle, reconcilable with an uncle with the mentioned name. Souto Cabo1, however, suggests that the indication in the caption could refer to the troubadour Nuno Eanes Cerzeo, of whom João Garcia would be, then, a nephew. This hypothesis, that we regard as plausible, is based on the fact of a character bearing the same name being mentioned on a document from the cathedral of Ourense, dated 1268, referring to a dispute between Nuno Anes’s sister and her nephews, sons of the troubadour (a deal reached “por ruego de don Johan Garcia que es cabeçaleyro mayor de nuestro padre”).


1 Souto Cabo, José António (1994), "Achegas documentais sobre Nun'Eanes Cerzeo, trovador galego da primeira metade do século XIII", in Studi provenzali e galeghi, 89/94, Romanica Vulgaria Quaderni, 13-14 .
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Read all cantigas (in Cancioneiros' order)

Cantigas (alphabetical order):

A meu amigo, que eu sempr'amei
Cantiga de Amigo

Donas, fezerom ir daqui
Cantiga de Amigo