Fernão Fernandes Cogominho Nationality: Portuguesa Biographical Note: The existence of two knights, father and son, with this name (and probably aged not too far apart) makes quite problematic the exact identification of this Portuguese troubadour. Most researchers however, to the cue of Carolina Michaelis1, lean towards his identification as Fernão Fernandes Cogominho father, a great magnate and a private councellor to Afonso III, in whose court he is attested at least from 1253, and where he signs most of the ruler’s documents until his death in 1277. br>A member of the important Guedões’ lineage, he was the son of Fernão Guedaz Guedeão and Maria Fogaça. Born around 1200 and raised in Trás-os Montes region, little is known about his youth. He seems to have taken, however, the side of Sancho II during the civil war that led the his brother Afonso to the throne, since we found him in Toledo in 1248, when the deposed King wrote his will. Upon the return to Portugal he becomes, notwithstanding, a trusted advisor to Afonso III throughout his reign. Besides this constant presence in the court, he was Lord of Chaves, alcaide of Montemor-o Velho, and Lord of Coimbra. It was in this city that he married, although late, in 1257, the rich heiress Joana Dias, benefiting there too of some royal donations (among many others the monarch bestowed upon him). It is also in the Cathedral of Coimbra that he is buried, together with his wife, in a chapel they both had built. br>As for his homonymous son, we have less data. The only certainty is that he went to Castile, where he died in 1290 (quite young then) in the battle of Chincilla de Albacete, fighting in the ranks of the Castilian King Sancho IV against the rebel Estêvão Rodrigues de Castro. References 1 Vasconcelos, Carolina Michaëlis de (1990), Cancioneiro da Ajuda, vol. II, Lisboa, Imprensa nacional - Casa da Moeda (reimpressão da edição de Halle, 1904), pp. 551-556. |
Read all cantigas (in Cancioneiros' order) Cantigas (alphabetical order): Ai mia senhor, lume dos olhos meus! Cantiga de Amor Amig', e nom vos nembrades Cantiga de Amigo Amiga, muit'há que nom sei Cantiga de Amigo Ir quer'hoj'eu, madre, se vos prouguer Cantiga de Amigo Meu amigo, se vejades Cantiga de Amigo Muitos ham coita d'amor Cantiga de Amor Nom am'eu mia senhor, par Deus Cantiga de Amor Nom me queredes vós, senhor, creer Cantiga de Amor Pois tam muit'há que mia senhor nom vi Cantiga de Amor Quem me vir e quem m'oir Cantiga de Amor Veerom-m'ora preguntar Género incerto |