Afonso Anes do Cotom Nationality: Galega Biographical Note:
Excepting his probable Galician birth (maybe from Negreira, Coruña, a village whose medieval name was Cotón), we have practically no data regarding this author, whose main activity period, accounting for his songs, seems to be the decade of 1240. Integrating almost certainly the circle of Prince Alfonso (future Alfonso X), as shown by those same compositions, he was probably a gentry knight, as it seems to be inferred by a tenção (poetical exchange) with Pero da Ponte, in which the matter at hand is the payment (in clothing) that the latter feels as being his rightful demand. br> Recently, Souto Cabo1, based in a document of Santiago's catedral, dated 1192, and where a certain Joan de Coton, knight, is named, raises the hypothesis that he could be the troubadour's father (and that, in this case, the troubadour was probably born in Santiago). References 1 Souto Cabo, José António (2012), "En Santiago, seend’ albergado en mia pousada. Nótulas trovadorescas compostelanas", in Verba, 39. |
Read all cantigas (in Cancioneiros' order) Cantigas (alphabetical order): A ũa velha quisera trobar Escárnio e Maldizer A mim dam preç', e nom é desguisado Escárnio e Maldizer Abadessa, oí dizer Escárnio e Maldizer - Ai meu amig'e meu lum'e meu bem Cantiga de Amigo As mias jornadas vedes quaes som Escárnio e Maldizer Bem me cuidei eu, Maria Garcia Escárnio e Maldizer Covilheira velha, se vos fezesse Escárnio e Maldizer Fernam Gil ham aqui ameaçado Escárnio e Maldizer Foi Dom Fagundo um dia convidar Escárnio e Maldizer Mari'Mateu, ir-me quer'eu daquém Escárnio e Maldizer Meestre Nicolás, a meu cuidar Escárnio e Maldizer Orraca López vi doente um dia Escárnio e Maldizer Paai Rengel e outros dous romeus Escárnio e Maldizer - Pero da Pont', e[m] um vosso cantar Tenção - Pero da Ponte, ou eu nom vejo bem Tenção Se gradoedes, amigo Cantiga de Amigo Sueir'Eanes, um vosso cantar Escárnio e Maldizer Traj'agora Marinha Sabugal Escárnio e Maldizer Veerom-m'agora dizer Escárnio e Maldizer Doubtful Authorship: A gram dereito lazerei Cantiga de Amor [...] E pero Deus há gram poder Escárnio e Maldizer Marinha, ende folegares Escárnio e Maldizer Quando se foi meu amigo Cantiga de Amigo |