Rui Fernandes de Santiago
Trovador medieval

Nationality: Galega

Biographical Note:

Galician troubadour, active in the second quarter of the 13th century. The attributive item in his cantigas de amigo tell us that he was a cleric, and the one in his love songs that he was natural of Santiago de Compostela. He seems to have frequented the court of Alfonso X, a monarch that would have him appointed chaplain. We have, moreover, his will, wrought in Salamanca and dated 1273. However, if the Rui Fernandes located by Ron Fernandez1, and who was, in 1284, a monk of the monastery of S. Paio de Altealtares in Santiago, is our author, then he may have passed away many years after the aforementioned will. In his recent ediction of Rui Fernandes' work, Arias Freixedo2 reviews all the data concerning his life, namely his stay in Salamanca.


1 Ron Fernández, Xavier (2005), “Carolina Michaelis e os trobadores representados no Cancioneiro da Ajuda”, in Carolina Michaelis e o Cancioneira da Ajuda hoxe, Santiago de Compostela, Xunta de Galicia.
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2 Arias Freixedo, Xosé Bieito (2010), As cantigas de Roi Fernandíz, clérigo de Santiago, Universidade de Vigo.
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Read all cantigas (in Cancioneiros' order)

Cantigas (alphabetical order):

A dona que eu quero bem
Cantiga de Amor

- Ai madre, que mui[t'eu err]ei
Cantiga de Amigo

Aqueste mui gram mal d'amor
Cantiga de Amor

Conhosco-me, meu amigo
Cantiga de Amigo

De gram coita faz gram lezer
Cantiga de Amor

Des que eu vi
Cantiga de Amor

Esta senhor, que ora filhei
Cantiga de Amor

I logo, senhor, que vos vi
Cantiga de Amor

Id'é meu amigo daqui
Cantiga de Amigo

Já eu nom am[o] a quem soía
Cantiga de Amor

Madre, pois amor hei migo
Cantiga de Amigo

- Madre, quer'hoj eu ir veer
Cantiga de Amigo

Ora começa o meu mal
Cantiga de Amor

Ora mi o tenham a mal sem
Cantiga de Amor

Ora nom dev'eu preçar parecer
Cantiga de Amigo

Os meus olhos, que virom mia senhor
Cantiga de Amor

Pero mia senhor nulha rem
Cantiga de Amor

Pero tant'é meu mal d'amor
Cantiga de Amor

Quand'eu nom podia veer
Cantiga de Amor

Quand'eu vejo las ondas
Cantiga de Amor

Quantas coitas, senhor, sofri
Cantiga de Amor

Que doo que agora hei
Cantiga de Amor

Que mui gram prazer hoj'eu vi
Cantiga de Amor

Se hom'houvesse de morrer
Cantiga de Amor

Se vos nom pesar ende
Cantiga de Amigo